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We know Michael and Harry don't see each other all that often, and there's reason to believe that they've known each other since Harry, at least, was much younger and less thoughtful than he is now, and sometimes I think they have trouble giving each other enough credit. Harry has trouble seeing Michael's capacity for nuance or flexibility, and Michael often responds as though Harry were still as driven by youthful passion and edgy cynicism as he was in the immediate aftermath of Justin's death. I'm sure seventeen year old Harry was fully convinced that there was no such thing as good and evil, and said so, much as Fitz asserted that "there's no such thing as good guys or bad guys, there's just guys". But he's matured since then, and so, I suspect, has Michael - note that he never actually gives the "set aside your evil powers before they corrupt you" speech in the book - but they're not always working with the most up-to-date models of each other. And doesn't Harry give Murphy the "evil does exist" speech like, a few books from now?
Michael is mildly disapproving of Harry's getting Murphy to break the law to get his car back (although I'm not actually sure there was any lawbreaking involved, it may just have been...favoritism in her use of authority. Harry points out that God doesn't arrange his transport, and Michael says there isn't time to debate it. But then he's all "Isn't that a very positive coincidence?" about Murphy asking the CPD to keep an eye out for Lydia, which is a more substantial, more probably illegal, misapplication of her authority and also a result of Harry's "detour" to help Malone, and I think that might be his way of conceding the point. Not to say that it's okay, at baseline, for Murphy to bend the law to help Harry, but that perhaps Harry getting his car back was God working through her, which of course would be okay. Harry, naturally, doesn't get this at all, and ends the call with a "yadda yadda" and a request that Michael stay in touch.
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Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash |
that she doesn't want to add to an already difficult day, but she's hoping he remembers the name of the "ritual killer" Harry and SI took down a few months ago.
It takes Harry a minute to remember, but at long fucking last, Leonid Kravos's name is brought into the story. Also that Harry's most direct contact was with the demon, not the sorcerer himself. That puts some context on Harry's later assumption that the ghost of said demon is what's come back to cause problems for him. Susan won't tell Harry what she's working on until she's got something more solid than rumors, and Harry doesn't press the issue. Susan asks if she can help Harry with what he's working on, Harry asks if she slept okay, there's some flirting, and they get off the phone.
Harry is finally able to head down to the lab, and we get our last reintroduction to Dresden's lab before the Great Grave Peril-Summer Knight reorganization. Everything is still messy (except the summoning circle) and still on mixed shelves and counters. I wouldn't swear to it, but I think this might also be the last book in which the little kerosene heater is mentioned. Also, and I'm not entirely sure what to make of this, he lights the candles from a lantern, rather than using magic.
Bob is more than usually reluctant to wake up and work, pleading exhaustion. He's been helping Harry every night throughout this ghost situation, and now he's been woken up before sundown. He offers to work in exchange for doing a ridealong the next time Susan comes over. This is an obvious non-starter, and Harry points out that if Bob would rather not work for him, he could always go back to the Nevernever. This is the first reference in the series to Bob's difficulty with Mab, although she's referred to here only as "the Winter Queen". Technically, Harry says Bob could always go back to the "homeland", but of course we know that spirits of intellect are the result of spirits having sex with mortals, and all available evidence points to the mortal parent always being the one to carry the developing spirit until it's ready to emerge. So Bob was born to a mortal, and I'd say odds are considerably better than even that he was born here, in the mortal world. So I wouldn't say confidently that the Nevernever is Bob's homeland. He's a proper dual citizen, and which reality, if either, he considers "home" is really up to him.
I do wonder, also, about this notion of Bob being "tired", like, I don't doubt it, but is that due to his own expenditure of energy, or is it a reflection of of Harry being tired and overwhelmed and seriously over this ghost business, and just wanting to relax for a while and spend time with his girlfriend.
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Photo by Andrés Gómez on Unsplash |
Since Bob isn't talking, Harry starts verbally reviewing everything he knows about ghosts. Ghosts aren't real people, they're impressions left when a person dies, unable to change or grow. They're usually invisible and intangible, but stronger ones may be able to physically manifest in an ectoplasmic body and move things around. Sometimes they can do other things, like cause earthquakes, but it's always connected in some way to their deaths or their feelings about them. Theoretically, a strong enough emotional imprint could produce a ghost as powerful as the Nightmare.
When Harry says that the Nightmare's activity has been stirring up the boundary between worlds, and thereby creating the recent spike in ghost activity, Bob can no longer contain his didactic urges. He points out that someone has been stirring up the spirits deliberately (those torture spells weren't natural consequences of the increased ghostage) deliberately disrupting the barrier. He pointedly refuses to guess why anyone would do that, but Harry figures it's to prepare the way for something really big to come across.
To Bob's immense irritation, this realization does not immediately prompt Harry to give up and take a nice long trip to Florida. He finally agrees to help. Apparently, if Harry doesn't know what he's walking into, he might not live to see the sun rise.
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