Thursday, August 24, 2017

Cranky Things I Said on Facebook About Writing This Week

"Plot is more useful, easier to do, and harder to dismiss if you remember that it's basically a cartographic idea. They're literally or figuratively going from somewhere to somewhere else, and passing through or stopping at other places on the way. (Usually literally *and* figuratively). This should not be a loaded or controversial thing. It happens in most stories. It doesn't absolutely have to, but it usually does. Also there are not suptypes of figurative travel that are too boring/elevated to count as plot. Fight me." 8/23

"Novels are longer than you think they are." 8/24

The dates on both of these are a little misleading due to the extremely weird place my sleep schedule is at. The one about plot was very, very early in the "morning" of the 23rd. It was still basically Tuesday. I tried to post it then but apparently you can't copypaste into the Blogger App. And I said "Novels are longer than you think they are" on the evening of the 23rd but didn't have the chance to put it on Facebook until a couple minutes ago. Going forward, I might try to do a thing once a week or so of stuff I said about writing in shorter form contexts none of which was long enough to be a blog post on its own. I also might expand on some of them in later posts.

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