Friday, September 29, 2017

Cranky Facebook Round 2

Is my sample severely skewed in some non-obvious way, or do most profoundly gifted kids who struggle with multipotentiality end up becoming writers? - Shared memory from Sept 18, 2015

"If the text has independent agency, there's no reason it can't watch the news." - Shared memory from Sept 18

You know what I want to see more of in speculative fiction? Words that stuck around even though they refer to outdated ways of doing things. My favorite real world example of this is "manuscript". September 18th

I tend to think of it as sort of a... like there's just this stream of possible work of varying quality, and there's like a faucet. The farther you get along the stream, the better the average quality gets, but you have to run the faucet in order to get to where the good stuff is coming out. - September 14th (re: the ceramics thing)

I'm not bothered about things that just aren't very good getting published. It doesn't affect my life in any way. But things that are actually Wrong in some way...writers are doing their best to tell the truth they know, and readers have to trust the legitimacy conferred by publication, so if the truth a writer knows is toxic garbage, it's the job of publishers to not send it out into the world with their seal of approval.

Your magic or aliens or future technology don't have to make sense in real world terms as long as: 1. The rules for how it works are consistent. 2. Everything *else* works how it's supposed to. - September 25th

My creative writing pedagogy will be process oriented or it will be bullshit. - September 24th

I think that the "If you have to ask if a kid is a prodigy, they aren't" thing may not apply to writing, but I'm not sure. - Shared memory from Sept 24,  2015

It's not suburban! They take the bus! For less than an hour! How do you think they live in a suburb?! - Shared memory from Sept 22, 2013

Reminder for near future sci fi writers: if your story is set like 50 years from now, and your characters are adults, they will have names like Brooklyn and Castiel. If your characters are teenagers, their parents will have names like that. - Shared Memory From Sept. 19, 2016

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