Thursday, September 28, 2017

Tuesday Update On Thursday 9/28

Update on Updates
Since Day Job is no longer a thing that happens on Mondays, Monday updates are being moved to Tuesday. Since small changes to my schedule render me nonfunctional, today's Tuesday update is, as you see, on Thursday. There will also no longer be routine updates on exactly how many hours I'm working in a week. As valuable and informative as I considered that to be, the stress of having to sit down and calculate everything before I could do an update was prohibitively stressful.

I finished The Brightest Fell. New October Daye book! Very exciting. I also finished The Gathering Storm, finally. And Underground, by Kat Richardson, unless that was Monday, and thus this week rather than last week. The entire concept of "In Which Our Hero Discovers That Homeless People are Human Beings" is inherently problematic, of course, but it's reasonably well-handled here, including how Quinton is basically OK, but most adults who are long-term homeless are not basically OK, and the role he has among them, and in interactions with service workers and community organizers as a result. In a future one of these books, it's be cool to see Harper deal with one of the ghosts or demons in Ravenna Park, and consequently interact with the homeless youth up in the U district, just for comparison's sake.
Now I'm reading The One, third book in The Selection series, which continues to weirdly not suck in terms of things like people using their words to convey their feelings to each other, and also that like, having a royal family is a problem, or at least maybe symptomatic of a problem, but it's not the problem, and it's a real job with responsibilities and challenges, including some that other kinds of leaders don't face.

No new progress on the novel, but I did write the Issue 4 editor's note for The Fantasist, and also a 600 word writing exercise, and apparently some other things because I apparently spent something like 4 hours and 39 minutes writing last week.
The 20,000 Hours Project is right now at 18.58 hours. Obviously that's sort of dismal for 2 months of work, but it's a good deal better than nothing, and it's not like I didn't know this was going to take years.

Issue 4 is live. Did most of the editing, did editor's note, really must start reading slush for upcoming issues, am not doing so. 

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