Monday, September 11, 2017

Monday Progress Update

I am like, almost done with The Gathering Storm. I gotta say, I'm glad things are finally happening. Brandon Sanderson lacks Robert Jordan's finesse at writing the attitudes towards women of male characters raised in cultures less sexist than our own, but what are you gonna do? I admit, with where everything has gotten to, I'm curious how there are to be another two books worth of things left to do.
I finished reading Poltergeist, which was a good deal better than Greywalker, although seeing familiar places altered, moved, or condensed will never not be weird. I mean I can't always figure out what neighborhood things are supposed to be happening in in the October Daye books, but at least all the bookstores are where they're supposed to be.
I finished the audiobook of Turn Coat, and almost finished Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. HBP is irritating, of course, and no one's actions make any sense. Small Favor has inspired a Thing I May Never Actually Write detailing the transitions between Lord of the Rings and The Dresden Files, and then between Dresden Files and Wheel of Time.
I got like one more handwritten page on this stupid flashback scene. That's... about it, really, excepting the blog. Total writing time for last week was 1 hour, 21 minutes. Not great, even by my standards. This brings the total for the 20,000 hours project to 12 hours and 34 minutes.
Ohgogsohgodsohgods Issue 4 edits. That is all.
38.93 hours paid work. (Shorter Day Job week because labor day).
28.75 hours unpaid work.
Day Job hours might be cut back to 32 because something something fiscal year, which is terrifying of course but would allow me more time to write, and like, sleep. We'll see.

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