Monday, September 18, 2017

Monday Progress Update 9-17

Yeah if it looks like I haven't done anything in a week, that's because I haven't. Total writing time for last week was 22 minutes, writing last week's Monday progress update. I'm not even gonna include a Writing section here, because really why.

The new October Daye book came out and I got it and I read it and it's so good you guys and finally some answers about some things, and yeah. Aside from the ongoing trend of "well of course that needed to be more complicated", I don't even really know how to talk about the things in it that made me happy without the context of the whole thing. Probably I just need more time to process it.
I did also finally finish The Gathering Storm. The ending was like the rest of the book, only moreso, in terms of Egwene being amazing, Rand being frustrating, Nynaeve being distracted, and everyone, including the reader, wishing Moiraine were there. Existential crisis on top of a very tall mountain is apparently how to solve your problems?

I finished doing my part of the edits for Issue 4. I honestly really love editing, although obviously the time sensitive, can't correct anything you'd have to ask about nature of editing for publication deadlines is not my favorite. We do always run things by the authors, of course, because I'm not letting something go up on our website with their name on it that we and they aren't completely on board with if I can possibly avoid it, but there have sometimes been things (not in Issue 4, that I can recall), where it would have been nice to have more back and forth than was realistically possible.

I mean last week I was so tired that I tried to pet my cat and she tried to head-boop my hand and I almost poked her in the eye. My fatigue-clumsiness almost exceeded a housecat's coordination.
Paid: 44 hour's, 19 minutes.
Unpaid: 18 hours, 26 minutes.
Writing time: 22 minutes.


Oh, also, may at least temporarily be moved to Tuesday's next week. Because I won't be working mondays for a while, at least not at my day job.

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